Fly up on outta here

I always find it amusing to drive home from school because you can tell the kids who’ve just gotten out of class. Mainly because they’re all doing about a 100 on rt66 in an attempt to get home the fastest, so of course I will let one be my rabbit and get home a helluva lot faster then I would’ve if I was just driving by myself [cause you know, if I get another, bye bye mr.license].

I just got some of the pictures from when the girlfriend was last over, and they’re good. Actually in one of ’em I sorta look half-decent, even if I was in the middle of trying to get a blender put together so she and her friend could make daquiri’s [I think that’s what they were drinking]. Hopefully next weekend we can take some more, either way I’d much rather it was next weekend already but eh, I’ll live until then.

Other then that not a whole lot has been happening sadly. Cept the fact that school sucks, but then again, when doesn’t it? Feh.

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