Little more normal

I’ve managed to check into my hotel, and as expected it’s about the size of a closet, which is fine by me because I’m used to it. What I’m not used to is a mattress that basically doesn’t exist.

So far all I’ve had to eat today is McDonalds, mostly because I can’t exactly find a more nearby restaurant to my hotel and I figured I can’t go wrong with McD’s. Only this morning I was so looking forward to an Egg McMuffin, only to see they don’t have egg McMuffins as we do back home. There is a bacon, egg, and cheese one; a sausage, egg, and cheese one, but no ham, egg and cheese. Which is annoying as hell when you’re specifically looking forward to your normal egg mcmuffin.

I forgot to mention this with my flight, I was one of the “lucky” ones who got their bag physically searched. Which meant they broke the fuck out of the lock I had on it, so not my bag isn’t too secure. Meh.

We took our Highbury tour this afternoon and holy jebus was that awesome. I took a ton of friggin pictures cause I wanted to remember everything. The only problem is that the camera isn’t exactly the best thing ever so I think some of the pictures are nothing more than a huge flash on glass. But we’ll see.

Of course though the highlight of the tour was the trip to the Arsenal Shop complete with offical supporters discount, and holy jebus was I in heaven. I got most of my christmas presents bought for myself [since my folks gave me money to buy whatever I wanted and that was to be my present.

All of this however just made me get even more psyched about going to the match tomorrow afternoon. Especially after seeing the way the pitch looked, and where my seats probably are. I’m so pumped.

Now however I have to make my way down to where one of the major shopping areas are so I can get some travelers cheques changed into £’s so that I can actually buy things. One thing that’s annoying as hell, at least to me, is that they don’t have a dollar bill, they have a dollar coin, but no paper. So half the time I’ll forget about the large amount of coins in my pocket and instead give the guy a fiver or something and get even more change back that I promptly forget about. So we’ll see.

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