Random Observations

  1. Europeans not from Ireland/UK are smelly.
  2. I mean really smelly.
  3. Like smelly enough to stink up an elevator long after they’ve left.
  4. Every “italian” place here has an American Pizza. With pepparoni sausage, chili peppers, and mozarella [I think it’s mozarella] – But that’s not too American to me.
  5. Restaurants here are odd. Now I know why people talk about shit service and why there’s no mandatory tipping [as in waiters earn a wage].
  6. Because the service is shit.
  7. It is possible to make a shitty hotdog. I mean a truely terrible tasting hotdog. Something I thought was near impossible but it seems like the British know how to fuck up a good thing.

Those are just some of the things I’ve noticed. And also it seems that for a city such as London there’d be things to do all hours of the night. Only there isn’t. Pubs/Bars close down earlyish and then you’re sorta SOL. Shops close even earlier, which makes no sense but eh, whatever.

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