
I think I’ll be glad to be back home tomorrow simply for the fact that I’ll knwo if I go out to eat I can get halfdecent service instead of the shittiest service I’ve ever ever had. I mean the kid couldn’t do shit, wouldn’t write anything down and was obiviously just trying to look after his ‘large’ party table. I wanted to tell him that I was an American, I waited tables and if he wasn’t such a useless cunt I would’ve left him a fat tip. But fuck that little shit.

Yes you can tell I’m pissed off. Cause all I wanted was a normal coke, so here that’s a fountain coke. I told the lady that and I get a fucking fanta. A fucking fanta, I have no idea ❗ that even is! Then when I get a coke it’s one from the bottle so it tastes like it’s fucking flat. Goddamn ignorant sods.

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