Happy ‘n nervous

It’s the end of the year and I’m happy, a year ago this time I was happy as well, but really I think it was false happiness. I’m not entirely sure. I guess I’m happy today because things are going my way again, which means that soon enough things are going to go against me, but for the moment I’ll enjoy it. I’ll enjoy the time I have talking with a certain female, who may confuse some people since she seemed to have appeared out of nowhere but really she hasn’t. I’ll enjoy the time at work, because while the cusomters might be shitheads, the people I work with are fun. I’ll enjoy my time out of work because it’s nice to just talk with other friends or simply do nothing.

I’m also nervous because of that certain female. Why? Mostly because things seem to be going nice now, and she’s supposed to come visit in a week or two and well that makes me nervous. I just don’t want to screw up something that at the moment seems real good.

I think it’s those begining stages of any sort of relationship that seem the best. Mostly because if you’re a normal person the sky seems to be the limit with that person and things are just awesome. While that’s the best part, it’s also the most dangerous because if you rush into things you end up doing things that you might not otherwise simply because you’re so blinded by the whole ‘newness’ of the relationship you stop thinking rationally. Which leads you to make stupid decisions, ala the whole Denver debacle.

So I’m very excited, but also very nervous.

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