
I’m simply burnt out. Burnt out from all the times having to do “teamservice” and all the times having to be someone’s bitch simply so that they decide it’s worth their money to tip you a common courtesy 20% as opposed to a shitty 10%. Tonight’s been a perfect example, or hell every week is. Sure the money isn’t bad, but I’d rather remain semi-sane than work a lot and be someone’s bitch simply to pay the bills.

Mostly I’m done because I go into work and I’m a fucking asshole. I mean I’m just snippy and snide, and all sorts of things I’m not normally. So fuck that place. Usually it takes me a whole lot longer to get like that in any normal restaurant, but I guess Great American Restaurants count differently.

That said I can’t wait till Thursday when I can sit around, and do nothing. And simply enjoy my time off.

Scrubs – Season One: Makes me a happy monkey. Because I love me some Scrubs and having it on DVD is always good. Hopefully they’ll include some decent ‘extra’ content.

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