Just another day

The weather here is grey, drizzly and gross as anything. Which I think is fitting for what today is. Ok maybe I’m biased because I’m not in any sort of relationship and when you’re not in a realtionship Valentine’s Day really is Single Awarness Day. Which is fine by me, because it means that today I don’t have to a] spend any money on something I don’t think is worth it and b] don’t have to worry about trying to impress someone.

Now I’m pretty sure Sara will be saying that that’s BS because last year I kept telling her to not say the day was shitty etc. And that’s true, if I’m in a relationship I like doing things for the other person. But I don’t want to have to do them just for some fake holiday. I like doing random things that suprise the people in my life who I care about. Mostly because I like it when it’s done back to me. And as my momma always said, treat people like you want to be treated.

Like I had said a few days ago, my highlight of today will most likely be watching the Arsenal game in the afternoon and that’ll be it. Unless by some random chance something happens, but I doubt that since most of the people I know don’t happen to live around here and those that do, aren’t female. Hah though who’m I kidding, with my track record I wouldn’t put it past myself that by the end of the day I’m somewhere other than my own house.

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