The Keys

This weekend was an interesting weekend. I spent most of it with my dear mother who happened to be in town thanks to her job having to hire someone for one of their Tamp and Ft. Lauderdale warehouses. Apparently people down here don’t actually want to work, and instead choose to spend all their days on the beach. Which would explain why some of the older women I see walking around look like walking hides of leather. Seeing those women makes you realise there is such a thing as too much sun.

However spending it with your mother isn’t bad, I mean I love my mom. But spending it in the Florida Keys is something different. Mostly because while it was beautiful and interesting to see such a different place than where I grew up, it’s also a place where the best thing to do is get wasted and do a bar-crawl. Something which isn’t too much fun when you’re with your mother. Also compounding the fact is that there were also a helluva lot of good looking women, but again I felt too weird if I tried to even look for too long, even I know she could care less. It’s just one of those things you don’t feel comfortable doing around your parents, kinda like kissing a girl. I imagine even if I’m 40 and married I’ll still feel weird kissing some woman in front of my folks.

So we went down the the Keys and it was pretty damned fun I have to say, sure I slept a bit too much, but whatever. Going on one of those glass-bottomed boats was something else too. Because in the span of about 20 minutes I saw a few barracuda’s, a baby sea turtle and a ton of fish I hadn’t seen that close. But seeing the fish in their native environment and all the different things in the coral reef made me want to come back some other day and learn how to scuba dive so I could really get close to ’em.

Plus oh man was the water gorgeous, I mean this deep turquoise green color that just went on and on for what seemed like ever. Sitting on the boat as we went out to the reefs I realised why it would be easy for people to become beach-bums in a place like that. However as soon as you got back on land while it was nice, it still felt a bit…decrepid and if I ended up there I’d almost want to live solely on the beach, or become one of their “live-aboards”, which are people who anchor their boats in the harbor and simply live on a boat. Because you don’t have to pay any sort of rent when you’re anchored and if you already own your boat your only cost of living is basic upkeep on the boat and some gas. Now doing that is something I might be able to do, provided the boat is big enough.

Now you might be wondering, “Where are the pictures?” well yes I took some pictures, though not as many as I would’ve liked simply for the fact my camera batteries died and I didn’t have time/money to replace ’em. I did however, take a bunch before it died so expect another update or an editing of this one later this evening after I get home and get some batteries.

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