London, the end – again

Where was I? edit: Christ I had this started like a week ago and never finished it. I suck

Oh yes, I had just gotten into Heathrow after my 120mph taxi ride. I thought I was still about to miss my flight so I ended up pseudo-running across the check-in area to where United was. After getting my bags checked, and getting my economy plus upgrade [because it gives me a bit more leg room and really after waking up way too early I needed all the room I could get so I could fall asleep] I headed up to the proper gate. Now in a lot of airports, or at least in Dulles, you can get a little shuttle ride to your appropriate Gate area because all the Gate areas aren’t connected. However that’s not the case in Heathrow. You have to walk all over the fucking place. I mean by the time I got to gate C20 I was exhausted. Mostly because I’m a] out of shape and b] kept my pseudo-run because I thought I was going to miss the fucking flight. Turns out I could’ve taken my time because there was still a good 10-15 minute wait when I got to my gate and all checked in there.

The flight back home wasn’t too eventful, like last year when I came home I had plenty of room next to me to stretch out and ‘enjoy’ the flight as best I could. Sadly because of my sleep apnea I wasn’t able to get a whole lot of sleeping done, instead I read my Tony Adam’s Addicted book and played a helluva lot of Lumines on my PSP. Mmm sweet PSP how great you are, please don’t ever leave me!

I landed in the early afternoon in Dulles, and got to do something new. Because last year when I got home I was staying in Dullest I simply picked up my luggage like any normal international person. But this time because I was catching another flight I had to pick it up from one conveyor belt, and then move it literally 100 yards away to another conveyor belt so it could be ‘re-checked’. Which means what? That the first time my bag got checked in England they didn’t do a good enough job of it? They half-assed it because they knew it was coming to the states? It just makes no fucking sense why they’d have to recheck it at all because almost every country uses the same things to scan luggage.

Because of my lengthy, 4 hours or so, layover in Dulles I had planned to call my parents and actually see them for a short while, since my last attempt to meet up with my family ended in failure [going to Puerto Rico right after Wilma hit for my grandmother’s funeral] This time however things went smoothly and my father picked me up for the airport and home we went where my mother was waiting as per usual. Thankfully my mother being my mother, she had [and did] planned on making me some ravioli’s because she knew I wouldn’t have had any. And let me tell you, they were fucking awesome. Easily worth the wait.

After dinner and catch-up time with mom and dad it was time to head over and visit my second family because I knew if I didn’t I would hear it from my other mom. My other family being Ian’s family and his parents. Of course because I went over there his mom wasn’t around, it wasn’t bad to see Jack and Sydney again [both being his dogs].

Now came the bad part of my flight, you see on the flight home I had my sunglasses on my head, because in VA it was sunny. However I forgot to put them in my backpack before I got into my seat flying to FL. Of course when I tried to put on my headphones I noticed “Hmm somethings not quite right here,” and promptly put them in the paper-holder of the seat next to me [since it was empty.] You can pretty much guess what happened next can’t you? Because yes, I forgot to pick them up when I got off the plane, and promptly lost my $100 sunglasses because I was exhausted.

Why was I exhausted? Well you’ll remember in my last London entry I said that my trip started at 6am there, actually 5 if you want to count when I woke up. Well by the time I landed in Ft.Lauderdale and looked at my phone [which still had GMT (aka London time)] it said 2am. So I had been traveling for almost 24 hours, 20 actually, without much sleep.

Of course as soon as I got home, I promptly passed the fuck out and didn’t want to wake up for a few days. That sadly didn’t happen. Instead I woke up the next morning and went into work, where I was exhausted and felt like shit. Joy.

But the trip was definetly worth it, and as usual I had a fucking blast and plan on going back as soon as I can.

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