Are you a big spooner?

I know now why people use big spoons to eat cereal. Because if you use a small spoon to eat any sort of cereal it takes about 20 minutes to get those last few bites out. So people use a big spoon simply because if you use a small one it’ll take you 3x as long to eat all the cereal.

From now on I’m going to make damned sure there’s a big spoon available because I hate taking so long to eat my cereal.

There was something else I was going to write, but damned if I remember what it was, guess it wasn’t too good. It’s Christmas time and I’m sitting in shorts and a tshirt, ok maybe not right this second, but it’s definetly shorts weather still down here. Which sucks because I miss snow, a bunch, and I keep seeing that there’s been snow up north where I grew up. If there’s not snow on the ground when I go north for Christmas I’m going to be a very sad panda.

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