Coming home

It’s odd coming home, especially because when you come home at night and there’s no clouds. You can look out the window of an airplane and see lights shining all the way to the horizon. In some ways it’s awesome looking, because to see all these little twinkling lights below is just pretty. But then you realize that’s the amount of area people have spread, and it’s also very very easy to tell where the Northern VA expansion hasn’t gotten to yet. Instead of lights cramped right next to each other, there will be a bunch of space between each house lights. Part of me wishes that’s where I lived but then I remember where I grew up [and am at right now] isn’t exactly in the middle of downtown. It’s in a nice in-between area where things are somewhat close if I wanted to say, go to a Best Buy for something, but there are still mostly single-unit houses around.

It was interesting taking off from Miami today though. Because as we’re going up you can instantly tell where the coast-line is. There will suddenly be no lights of any sort, you can also tell where the swamp-land starts because again there’s no lights. But damned if there aren’t a bajillion and a half lights inbetween those two places.\

Part of my Christmas wish was granted today, I got to see snow. While some of you are probably going “Jesus fuck shutup I’ve been seeing so much snow it’s not even funny” But obiviously because I now live in South Florida I don’t exactly get to see snow. But that doesn’t stop me from loving snow, hell even when I lived in an area that got snow, I loved it. I know a certain friend [namely Jamie] hates the snow and anything cold, and thinks I’m loony for liking it. I’m not exactly sure why I love it so much, but there’s something both gorgeous and serene about seeing snow fall and then cover the ground. No matter where you’re at when there’s fresh powder covering everything the world seems a lot calmer place than before. And for some odd reason it’s almost always a lot quieter. I noticed it years ago when I lived here, but then even noticed that when it snowed in Denver the same thing happened.

So keep your fingers crossed for me, as of last night they were predicting snow/freezing rain in Delmont, PA and with a few more silent wishes maybe it’ll be only snow.

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