The Best Month

Welcome March, oh my favoritest month of them all.

If it’s not obivious as to why it’s my favorite month, I’ll let you in on a little secret. It’s my birthday month. Sure my birthday isn’t until the 26th but March always seems to fly by and next thing I know it’s my birthday. Even though I’m turning a quarter of a century old this year, I still don’t not look forward to birthday’s. I mean hell you get stuff from people who like you [hopefully] plus you can always go out drinking and people won’t think you’re an alocholic.

But really March used to be a good month in VA because spring would usually start to rear it’s head and you could finally start wearing shorts. Down here in FL it’s almost a harbringer of the hot weather that’s going to come soon. But that’s fine with me, I have a/c I’ll be ok.

I’m not the only one who thinks their birthday month is the best month am I? Or maybe those who don’t like their birthday month is it because you’re a bit older and don’t look forward to your birthday’s?

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