Nice day

You know those days that’re really nice..when it’s not supposed to be? Like when it’s 60 or 70 degrees outside and yet it’s still February. Yea today was one of those days.

I mean going to class it was so good to just roll down the windows and blare some Jurassic5 both on the way to class and home. I mean damn it’s days like these that make you happy for no apparent reason. I mean nothing special happened today, besides the fact I got out of lab early, but it just puts you in a good mood. So yea today was a good day because it was nice out, I just wish my oakley’s that I got off ebay had gotten in, but oh well.

But now the weekend starts and you yay, I get to work. Hopefully this weekend I’ll make more then 80 bucks or whatever it is I made last week since I would like to have enough to make the car payment and my cell phone bill.

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