This week

Can fuck right off and go back to where it came from. I’m so fucking happy it’s over it’s not even funny. While I can soon go into my other ‘job’ and drink while I’m working, I’m still going to have to deal with way more people at the pub than normal. Know what I’m going to tell most of them to do? Fuck right off. Thankfully the pub is the kind of place where I can do that, there’s no corporation to report to and no Manager who wants to get promoted to District Manager.

There will be lots of drinking going on, because damnit I want to forget this week happened.

Ok I lie, I don’t want to forget all of it, because I did end up hanging out with my friend Rob last night. It’s weird to catch back up with an old friend you haven’t seen in years. Course I also come to find out that he’s most likely moving away from South Florida as soon as he graduates. So there goes the one person who I’ve known for longer than a few years.

Bring on the weekend, and bring on the beer!

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