That’s karma for you

I have to say it really wasn’t my fault. After being pushed over while putting on my socks, or pants, or anything that requires me to occupy both hands and potentially get on one-leg, I’m used to trying to push Jamie over with a quick but hard shove.

Normally she see’s this coming a mile away and it doesn’t do much except push me over in the opposite direction.

So imagine my suprise when instead of staying upright she tumbled like a house of cards. I worried for a split second as she starting falling backwards because I thought, “Great I finally get even with her for pushing me over, and she’s going to smash her head on the dresser”

Thankfully she didn’t so I could fully enjoy the one time I managed to push her over.

Not a lot has been going on lately really. I’ve been fucking slammed at work because I’m still the only person who’s able to regularly and competantly update our website, two products that were supposed to launch a few weeks ago kept on getting pushed back, thus keeping a lot of projects up in the air at the same time.

I managed to get a new 22″ monitor that I think is fucking amazing. I’ve been playing some Xbox360 games on it, and good lord do a lot of them look even better than they did before. But now I find myself in some games sitting too close to the monitor. I’ll notice that to see the whole screen I’m having to turn my eyes and my head to the left or right to see all of what’s happening on screen. I guess 10+ looking at a 15-17″ monitor will do that to you.

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