Kickball anyone?

There are certain days when you wake up and things just don’t feel right, or like they’re going to go right. Sadly today is one of those days. Maybe it’s because I haven’t looked at the menu for my new job as much as I should’ve, or something else, but today just feels like it’s going to go straight into the shitter. I hate these kinds of days because it makes me want to do absolutely nothing except sit inside and watch a movie or two and hope tomorrow’s better. Sadly that’s not an option because I need to work, I need to get my training done so I can make moneyand stop being in this funk about worrying ad naseum about money.

So right about now I wish I was indepently wealthy but I’m pretty sure if I was then I’d get a whole new set of problems to worry about and it’s probably not as cush as it sounds. It’s kind of like when you were in elementary school or even middle school and you just wanted to be older so you can do more things and have more fun. Only when you get older you realize being a kid is the best thing ever because you just have to sit around for a few hours and then can play the rest of the day with absolutely no worries [unless you’re getting beaten up which you worry a bunch, but still those things usually get sorted out within a few days] I wish my biggest worry was wondering if I’d score a touchdown during the recess football games that broke out in 6th grade sadly, it’s not.

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