Thanks AOL

I never thought I’d be thanking AOL, but thanks AOL for buying me a new digital camera, new large memory card, and a new cd-player. Thanks for being such suckers that you allowed people to sign up under your ‘Try AOL and get $100 Amazon GC in the process’ multiple times with the same CC #. I’m sad however that I was semi-decent and only signed up twice with my credit-card. If only I would’ve signed up the 5 times you were allowed I could’ve gotten my camera, memory card, cd-player and the Nintendo DS.

Oh well I guess I’ll maybe ask for one for Christmas or something.

Oh yea, thanks again AOL for being such schmucks.

Also earlier this week I meant to post about seeing Most Extereme Makeover:Home Edition. Why would I post about such a goofy show? Well because this week they redid a house for a family that has a deaf mom and dad, and one son has Autism and is blind. The other son however is totally normal, except for the fact that he’s the family’s one pair of ears that help communicate with the rest of the world.

What struck me while watching this was that the family was awesome, but also that I’m so grateful for knowing Fu when I lived in Denver. Because of him I learned sign-language, sure not as much as Sara or Kalli, but I know enough to talk to deaf people nowadays when they come into my restaurant and have them not feel so ostracized.

And I’m grateful because I remember hearing stories of how when Fu would try to go out without anyone the shit people would give him, or the lack of respect they’d give him.

So thanks Fu for being awesome, and for making an idiot like me learn sign-language.

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