Getting close

Wow it’s really getting close to my trip to England. Which is a good thing, because I can’t wait to be over there. The other good thing is that money-wise everything is about paid off, or will be paid-off as soon as I hear how much my tickets [for the matches] are going to be specifically. And thankfully I’ll already have a couple hundred bucks in the bank that I can spend over there. That’s not even counting whatever money I’ll make at work before then.

Speaking of work things are good. Money has been pretty good, and the people I work with are good as well. What’s funny is that since I’m the “new” guy so to speak, I get to see how everyone treats everyone else. Basically I get all the gossip on who dislikes who, and why. I guess that’s the major difference between Artie’s and Sweetwater, at Artie’s everyone basically hated one guy, and that was about it. Sure there were one or two people who had minor gripes but it wasn’t ever that bad. Meanwhile here at Sweetwater a lot of people dislike other’s, so there’s basically a few cliques that have one or two people who are liked by each clique. Thankfully I think I’m pretty much liked by everyone, which makes work easy [at least for me]. And I guess since I’m used to being the person that no one really hates it doesn’t bother me when I’m basically the middle-man for communication between people when we have to work in the same row [A row being a group of tables that has 3 or 4 people working who have to talk to each other so that it doesn’t go down in flames]

The only thing I’m worried about my trip to England is what I’m going to do when I’m not at matches, sure there isn’t a ton of time where I’m not, but I want to fill it with seeing things. And really I don’t know what to do. I think I’ll hit the Millenium Eye or whatever that huge ferris-wheel is on the Thames. I’ve no real desire to see Buckingham Palace or any of those other ‘toursisty’ sights, I may if anything travel to the other London-based clubs and take pictures of myself flipping off their respective stadiums. But if anyone’s been to London and has something interesting that isn’t totally touristy please tell me, I’d love to know.

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