Not so goodly

Want to know what sucks.

Only getting about 30 minutes of sleep, then having to wake up and attend some stupid 2 hour mandatory meeting, that after you’ve gone to said meeting, you see you could’ve missed with no reprocussions. Then to come home, get 2 hours of sleep before you wake up and go to work for 8 or 9 hours only to make 50 some bucks.

It’s night like those that make me want to quit, you know what. I think I will, I’m tired of dealing with their crap and making Cooker-money when I have to do 5x as much shit.

I mean I love a lot of the people who work there..but I’m not going to deal with making shit money anymore, just can’t afford to keep making 50 bucks a night.

Anyone need a personal slave, love slave preferred, gimme a ring!

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