Stop and think

So yea yet another ‘major’ thing happened today. My best friend went in for surgery to remove some more lumps that the doctors had been watching that were slowly getting larger and larger. I finally managed to get ahold of his mom tonight after trying repeatedly to see what was going on. Turns out he was in surgery for 8 1/2 hours [I can only imagine what the doctors must’ve felt like after 8 1/2 hours doing the surgery] and had some minor complications arise during it [but they weren’t major and all were taken care of smoothly].

So now he’s in the ICU resting and hopefully he gets moved out of there pretty quickly so I can head on up and visit him since I believe I’ve seen him in the hospital everytime he’s gone in for surgery, so either way I’ll see him.

It’s sort scary when your best friend’s already gone in for major cancer surgery 3 times, and he’s only 21. Makes you stop and think, ya know?

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