
Ok it’s not entirely 3am yet, but it’s close. And as I’m sitting here checking my email I suddenly remembered I had saved all [or most of] the emails Sara sent me during our time together. What’s interesting about these? Oh, little tidbits like this

oh, and P.S.: just so you know, it would be neat if you asked my mom before you asked me to marry you. i’ll remind you again in another 10 months or so.


Said in reference to the first contact with her mother who I was emailing, or attempting to. This was also said oh, about 2-3 weeks into said ‘relationship’.

I’m slowly re-reading these but it’s odd to only see one side of the conversation, most times I sort of think what I’d write in response only to realize that’s not really correct. Because right now I’m thinking how I’d reply knowing all the things that happened, whereas back in the past it was more replying with a general naivity [man I need to learn how to do the double-dotted I]

Nonetheless I think I’ll keep ’em around, some are interesting, and others are humorus.

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