Oh what’re you listening to?

Another day and another thing tweaked with the site. Which is good because I’d like to get it to the point where I don’t have to worry how things look in either browser and it [the site] displays all the things I want and think would be handy. Sometimes just because you can add something to a site doesn’t mean you should. Then you simply get sensory overload and it distracts for the real reason people come. But I always liked having it show what I was listneing to at any one moment in time, if only because I like to see what people are listening to so I can see if they listen to good music or crap. And thankyouverymuch all my music is good!

Talking about the real reasons people come, I’m pretty sure there’s only about 10 people who regularly read this, and I’m also almost sure I could name them all. Lets see if I can. Sara, Amanda, Leslie, Charlie [maybe], Tangent, Ellen [though only recently] and well that’s about all I can think of. So if you regularly check in on this little space of the internet, please comment about who you are. If only to satisfy my own curiosity.

I have a bit more to say about things, but I guess I need to think ’em through some more. Since I have every day off now I can do that without worrying about going to work.

This entry was posted on Monday, January 31st, 2005 at 4:44 pm and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.