Vantity Cards

I spent most of this morning reading the Chuck Lorre Vanity Tags, and for those of you not in the know. They’re a little blurb that used to run at the end of Dharma & Greg, and now run on Two and a half Men. I remember seeing them years and years ago on Dharma & Greg episodes and thinking that it was neat how someone would stick something at the end of each episode. However at the time I had no way to freeze the single frame so I could only ever read a few words of each thing.

However Chuck Lorre went to the trouble of putting them online for everyone to read and some are funny, some are stupid, and it’s for sure a damned good way to waste some time when you’re bored at work [which I am]

Now I just have to find something else to fill the remaining hours of work since I’ve read all of those.

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