Lloyd Dobler

I was doing my daily afternoon reading of my blogs and I came upon V’s entry about Lloyd Dobler which pointed me to Meet the Whimpster. Which is funny, because part of me thinks of myself as someone who could fit the bill. But then I started to really read it and realized, I’m not exactly like that. Mostly because while I might be sensitive I’m definitely a lot more into the physical side of things than the supposed Whimpster’s.

Then I realised something else. While there might be Whipster’s out there they’re no different than say a group of Valley-girls, and like Valley-girls you’ll only meet them in certain places. I’m pretty sure you won’t find a Whipster out in a sports-bar on a Friday night. You might however find ’em in some coffee shop trying to read some shitty emo poetry, but again it all comes down to where you look for your prospective ‘mate’.

But it’s definitely an interesting read.

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