Sofa King

This past week has been interesting. Wednesday was the date, and on Thursday night I met up with Sara for dinner. Now the plan originally was to meet up, find a place to eat and I thought that was going to be it. Only it wasn’t, and that was a good thing.

She rang me up at work after lunch and figured to meet up after I got off of work. So I drove the 15 or so miles down south to her hotel where she told me to call her before I got there. I thought that was slightly odd because why wouldn’t I just knock on her door? But as I came to find out, apparently the person she was staying in the hotel with happened to be her ex-Nick. Basically Nick hates me for something I did to Sara when we dated, only the thing he’s pissed off at me for, isn’t anything big at all. Plus it was 3 years ago. So someone I’ve never even met nor did anything to directly, hates me, still. I found that hilarious because I’m sorry, I can understand hating me for a few months or whatever and if I say, hit Sara or something stupid like that. But I didn’t, and it’s been 3 fucking years, get over it for chrissake. So I couldn’t knock on her door because apparently he was home and would possibly sit [yes sit] on me if he saw me.

But what was funny was that apparently her hotel was repaving the parking lot so I basically couldn’t find anywhere to park. So I ended up having to go all the way around to the back where I saw Sara walking in the opposite direction. After I pulled around in a parking spot I ended up spotting her trying to walk daintily over the newly repaved tar. Eventually she gave up trying to walk on the parking-spot stoppers [you know those concrete things that make you not pull forward too much] and came over to my car. After my laughter stopped and she got in we said our hellos and started our little trip.

I say little trip, because while I had a general idea of where some decent places to eat, I hadn’t actually been there. So off we took to a place that neither of us knew where it was. Though once we got near the beach on A1A Sara commented how pretty the beach was and I asked her if she wanted to stop and walk along it. With a bit of prodding she managed to say yes, and then freaked out when I pulled a U-turn in the middle of the street. I mean really! What’s odd about doing that? Sure there was a bit of some tire squealing, sure it was sudden, but only old folks take u-turns really slow. Plus if I took it slow, we might’ve been hit.

The ocean was nice, though the beach down in Ft. Lauderdale or wherever we were was maybe only a few yards wide, which was odd to me. But after walking for a while and sharing some gross stories with her that I felt someone else needed to know we decided to keep driving in order to maybe find a place to eat. Cause I had only had some Wendy’s Nuggets for lunch and damnit that ain’t a good enough lunch for me.

After a bit of illegal parking [which seems to be the only kind in all of Florida you can do (no I wasn’t the only person illegally parking either)] we found a decent place and sat down and had ourselves some food. I have to say that hanging out and talking with Sara was almost easier than ever before. We both shot the shit about different things, though it seemed we ended up talking about past relationships a bunch. Odd that.

Halfway through dinner Sara’s friend Jamie called her up and told her that she was off work. However we weren’t done eating yet, I’m pretty sure because Sara was nursing her beer like a 3 year old or something, so she said she’d call her back. Though when we did finish eating and tried to call Jamie back no one answered. Now the original plan was that Sara was going to meet up with Jamie after we ate and go to a place called Sofa King, which was described to me as a bar with lots of hot girls dancing around. Now you don’t have to ask me twice to go stare at some hot women.

Only we can’t get ahold of Jamie and neither of us even had a clue where it is. We didn’t even know what city it was in, however the goodness that is 411 ended up telling us that it was in Davie, which Sara knew the basic way to. After recalling 411 to get their number again and to hear the cross-street they were on, we headed off towards it. All in all it only took us about 30 minutes to get there, though it probably would’ve only taken like 10 if we didn’t get lost twice.

Now I don’t know if I can describe the place adequately enough but I’m going to try. Picture a large bar with a lot of big screen TV’s, a few couches in random spots, and then atop any railing and in other sections girls in lingerie dancing to some hip-hop. Oh and there’s also nice looking female waitresses walking around trying to get you to do stupid shooters and other such things. Yea it was pretty nice.

But it was missing something. Yea pretty sure if you know me and my luck, Jamie was nowhere to be found. Sara tried calling her again but still got her voicemail. We didn’t quite know what to make of it, but damnit we were here already so we were going to have a drink or two. More like I would have more than one, and Sara would again nurse hers.

After much ogling of the different women [by both of us] we figured we should probably go. Though that decision came mostly because we saw a fight break out between two boneheads about 5 feet away from us. I mean these guys were your typical huge dumb idiots.

The night might’ve been a bit more fun if Jamie hadn’t fallen asleep as we later learned, but nonetheless we both had a ton of fun.

I also learned that I really do miss having someone around here to hang out with because everywhere I’ve ever lived there’s always been someone around for me to chill with. At home it was Ian, in Denver it was other-Sara and my friends from work, and here there’s no one. So I’m going to have to find some new friends, or convince all my old ones to come visit me. Often.

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