J.Dog and music

The other day I made a post about how there was someone from around my area who was ‘famous’ and I took a few jabs at her. Well I have to say that she’s pretty decent in my book.

Mostly because she commented that my blogging isn’t shitty [which after 5 years I’m glad I finally got done with the way I used to write] and how can I hate anyone who’s from around where I grew up? Ok I take that back, I hate a lot of people who lived around where I grew up, because they were assholes.

So go check out J. Dog which is what I’m going to call her, since there’s already a Jess that predates J.Dog. Plus J.Dog sounds pretty interesting, and a lot quicker to type out than Jessica Stover.

Oh another random comment, I love the fact that I have so much music on here that whenever I put foobar on random I’ll almost always hit music I totally forgot I even had. Hell I rediscovered some band that I had maybe had their EP for months and months but never really listened to it.

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