Oh schnuts

Apparently my boss was just fired. This is an odd situation because well, my boss is the guy who hired me and is also a nice guy. The owner is apparently well..not. So now I’m wondering of course “Am I going to have a job soon?” Afterall I just friggin got this one!


edit: Fuck I just realized something. My now ex-boss told me when I got hired that my pay would eventually go between 14-15 bucks. What if whoever is my new one doesn’t agree to that. Goddamn and I never got it in writing. Schnuts!

edit^2: Well that was an interesting day. The owner of my company called the cops on my boss because he [being my boss] started to kirk out and slam things around and basically lose it. So the cops came, escorted him out and tomorrow I think I’m getting a new boss. I’m not entirely sure. It should be interesting that I do know.

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