Batman Begins

Oh holy jesus. If you haven’t already clicked that link to see what it is, you’re a bum. And you need to get with the clickin to see the final trailer for Batman Begins. It is almost makes the movie seem as good as the original. Which is what we can hope since the storyline is loosely based off of Frank Miller’s Dark Knight Returns TPB. If you don’t know who Frank Miller is, then you need to have your head checked, and go see friggin Sin City, if you don’t know what TPB is, then you need to be a comic nerd, like myself. But since I can see you’re not. A TPB stands for Trade Paper Back, as in it’s a collection of a certain group of issues of comic in order to read them easier. However sometimes TPB is just used by comic nerds in general to refer to anything published in a non-normal comic format.

But seriously, so watch the trailer and pray that Warner Bro’s finally got things right and stopped deciding to make frigging Batman & Robin-type Batman movies.

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