
I just saw something I’ve never seen before, and it was both kinda gross, and awesome at the same time. You see earlier today I managed to get a huge-ass splinter in one of my fingers thanks to work.

Though at first after it happened I thought I had managed to get it out, I was wrong. At least that’s what the throbbing from my finger told me all the rest of the day at work. Finally a few minutes ago I figured I might as well use some nail-clippers and get that bad boy out.

But that was tricker than I expected because normally I just use the little sharp pointy file-thing that’s on most nail clippers. Only it wasn’t on the one I have now so I tried to basically clip the thing out. Only my skins is pretty flat so that didn’t work to well. My last resort was the tried and true, squeeze, method in which you squeeze the skin around it. It hurts like a bitch but sometimes it’ll push it out enough so that you can use the nail clippers again to get a perch on the tip and yank that bad-boy out. Well that kind of happened.

And by kind of I mean I got a little portion out, and then only managed to cut off the tip with the goddamned nail clippers. But I figured “Fuck, might as well try the squeeze again” I tried the squeeze again and the splinter literally squirted out of my skin. I know it sounds gross, and it kind of was. It almost popped out for chrissake.

However gross it was, it was also good because now my finger doesn’t hurt like a bitch but man. I’ve never ever seen a splinter come out like that.

I want to put online the little soundbyte from the one Scrubs episode where Turk and JD sing/hum the theme from Sanford and Son. Only I can’t figure out what episode it was in. If anyone knows, please jebus he;lp!

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