Money for good, and money for bad.

I think I answered all the questions people asked me. Some of them might not make sense to the casual reader, but hopefully the answers will make sense to the people who asked ’em.

This past weekend was interesting in that I spend a hundred bucks buying stupid shit I need like bed sheets, towels, and other such necessary evils. However to combat that I went out and bought myself a brand new Motorla v551 cellphone since my old one was breaking. Breaking mostly from me continually dropping it, but seriously phones should be able to last. Ok maybe this one did probably last longer than any other phone would’ve, but when it could barely hold a charge for a day, that’s a sure sign it’s time to go.

The new one however is the bee’s knee’s, now I have to just get it so it looks properly decked out in Arsenal related images and ringtones. Yes I’m that much of a nerd. No I don’t care.

Also apparently I have to add to the questions portion since someone’s a jackass and can’t get with asking them in a timely manner.

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