Driving on e:

It’s funny how going out somewhat late at night and driving along the coast with the windows down, good music blaring, and singing at the top of your lungs can make you feel. How it can make you forget how utterly mind boggling annoying it is that still your timing when it comes to relationships seem to be impeccable. Impeccable in it’s ability to be the worst possible timing ever in the history of mankind.

Sometimes it almost makes you want to go “Ahh, fuck it.” and just forget about women. Then you remember how good they look, and feel, and you become a blubbering mess again and realize you can’t ever be ‘done’ with them. Least not until you manage to find that ‘one’, if she’s even out there.

I realize this seems like a typical livejournal emo-angsty entry, but really it’s not, because last night was awesome driving along A1A. I had a live everything album blaring, and it was just awesome. Would’ve been awesomer [yes awesomer is a word damnit] to come home to some woman, but oh well can’t have everything now can we?

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