Ouch, my eye

Want to know what puts a hamper on writing? When you get an eye infection and it physically hurts to look at a computer screen. Even my fancy-dandy LCD at home hurt. Or well it didn’t hurt if I looked at non-white pages, but sadly all the WordPress pages are pretty much white. So I was unable to write for the past few days when I would have wanted to simply because my eye was all jacked up.

In fact it still is jacked up but at least it’s to the point where I can look at the monitor and white color without feeling like my eye was going to explode.

Needless to say having an eye infection is never very fun. Nor is it fun when they get the first diagnosis wrong and make the damned thing worse.

I just want my eye to be all cleared up by this weekend when my friend Rachel from Denver comes and visit. Sure I might not be able to have my contacts and whatnot, but I want to at least be able to go outside and not worry about the sun screwing with my eye. So lets all hope for that, kay? Thanks.

I got the best package the other day. It was my Official Arsenal Membership kit. I will take pictures when I get home, sufficient to say it’s awesome. I totally love having even more Arsenal things around my house, plus with the membership comes the ability to buy tickets to matches. Of course that won’t really do me any good since I’m here in the states and Highbury is way over there in England. I don’t care though, because it’s still so awesome and it makes me giddly like a school-girl thinking about going back to see another match.

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