Popped my hurricane cherry

By now everyone knows about Katrina. Yea well I got to her first, when she came to me she was nothing. I made her what she is now!

Actually that’s a lie, but she was a helluva lot weaker when she made landfall about 20-30 miles south of here. The good thing about that was that because she was pretty weak there wasn’t much damage up here. If she hit here as a Category 4 like she did to New Orleans I wouldn’t be able to type this.

I will have to say that one thing that I learned is that you absolutely need to have a way to entertain yourself when the power goes out. I sat in my chair for a good 2 or 3 hours literally staring out my sliding-glass doors watching the rain fall onto our pool. Why? Because I had nothing else to do. The power was out, I couldn’t exactly go anywhere since it was dangerous to be on the roads, and I didn’t really have anything to read. Since then however I found a sweet deal on a new PSP so that will be my power-outage entertainment hopefully.

Hopefully however Katrina will be the only hurricane I have to deal with this summer [cue knocking on wood (no really I did knock on wood just now cause damnit I don’t want to have my house blow away!)]

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