London, part 2 [maybe]

I hate being in one of those positions where money is really tight. You see I want to go to London again in a few weeks, yes again to see The Arsenal in person, and while thati s good and I can afford it. I want to get the tickets as soon as possible in order to get the best deal [because I’ve already found a deal on a flight + 6 days hotel for $700] however in the coming weeks I have too many things that are due.

I have to pay $100 for a sleep study so that I can figure out why in the middle of the day I feel like passing out, or infact do fall asleep when I close my eyes sometimes.

I then have to pay for the various bills that are due, plus I have to get some new car insurance and get new FL registration taken care of. All of which aren’t going to come cheap.

Fuck this is going to be tought, but damnit I want to go back to London and I am going to find a way to make it work. Even if it means eating Ramen noodles for a month before I leave.

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