My thoughts on ‘professional’ bloggers and other things

In talking with Jamie this evening she showed me a site that the woman [and her husband] are apparently ‘professional’ bloggers. Now this is silly to me, because in my mind blogging is something you do simply because you want to.

I’ve been writing online for about 6 years now, I don’t think I’m that good at it, but I also don’t give a monkeys uncle if I’m ‘good’. I simply write because in the beginning I wanted to get things off my chest, and nowadays I write because I’ve been doing it so long it feels normal. At no point have I ever thought “Hmm, lets make some money off this” Instead I’ve always resisted any sort of money making ways for this. Infact within the past few months I’ve had one or two ad companies contact me and ask if they could advertise on some of my pages. Mostly my Girls-Suck Theme page because it gets so many hits. I scoffed at the idea because while a little extra money might be nice. I hate, hate, hate when I go to anyone’s blog and am inundated by advertising. If I wanted to see ad’s I’d go to a normal website. I go to blogs to be entertained and maybe learn something new.

Maybe that’s why I’ll never be ‘internet’ famous, because I don’t really try to go find new readers nor do I care if anyone reads this. [Though I could be considered ‘internet’ famous for what I did with Counter-Strike, but that’s another story] I’m simply writing because I enjoy it.

Ok I might not use commas properly, or at all, but damnit I could care less. I at least don’t WrItE LiK ThS so it’s all good.

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