
Did you ever get really psyched about a new album coming out as a teenager, and then spend the better part of a day driving around your hometown trying to find a store that had it?

I felt like that yesterday looking for Matt Nathanson’s new album From the Point. Originally I had planned to drive about 20 [but really 45 minutes in rush hour] minutes away to the only Best Buy around because I could also go next door and buy a new pair of rollerblades. Only to realize I didn’t have the cash to do both purchases so I’d be better suited to finding a store more local that has it.

My problem is that the only stores around are either a Circuit City, Borders, Target or Wal-Mart. I figured Target and Wal-Mart wouldn’t have it, so that left Circuit City and Borders. Thankfully both stores are next door to each other so it hopefully wouldn’t be a long search.

But it was.

Thanks to Circuit City only having a very tiny shelving space, it wasn’t around. Nor was the album big enough to warrant one of the ‘New Releases’ slot. If only I lived up north where he is a much bigger name than in South Florida. Of course I spent the better part of 15 minutes making sure it wasn’t around. It would’ve been about 2 minutes if Circuit City knew how to organize their shelves but guess that’s not too important to them.

Since Circuit City was a no-go it was up to Borders to save me. Thankfully they did, but only after I looked around on my own for a few minutes before finally asking a clerk if they had it anywhere. There’s nothing quite like being scared you may have to wait another day, when he goes “Yea we have him” and then proceeds to show me an album I already own. Thankfully hidden a few cd’s behind that one was a copy of At the Point.

Really in the end my search wasn’t that long, but as soon as I got back into my car I was reminded of all the times I drove all around Northern VA looking for a particular CD.

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