Gettin ready to move

So I have a little more than 10 days left until Sara gets here. Needless to say I’m getting more excited, also because of the fact we’re now staying in Columbus which gives me a chance to eat from the Cooker again, which literally, is making my mouth water. I’m honestly happier than a pig in shit that there’s a Cooker literally down the street from where we’re staying. All I pray is that they have prime-rib all the time instead of only during the weekends, because then I could literally die a happy man.

Other than that I think I need to start packing up my clothes since well, I’d like to take more than just two pairs of pants or something and my jersey’s. And I think if I fill the steamer trunk up with clothes and other shit, then mail it off, I might have enough room to take one [or both] of my guitars.

Fuck, I also have to get all my damned cd’s put into binders so I can take them along. Guess it’s a good thing I have multiple days off work this week thanks to my finagling so I get off tomorrow night so I can go see the last Craig show.

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