An appropriate good-bye?

I leave in an hour to mail off my clothes, yea you read that right. I’m mailing my clothes to Sara’s house because while I don’t have a lot, just sending those off free’s my car with a ton of space.

Of course the box is too heavy for me to lift myself so I’m enlisting Ian to help me. I just hope Sara’s sister can move it under an awning, or get tonio’s help moving it.

So yea, time’s gettin close, less than 3 days now. I’m super excited but also super-nervous, because at this point I would rather it be next Tuesday already and us on our way because then I wouldn’t have to wait. Incase people haven’t noticed, I have zero patience, especially waiting for things that are important to me. I want them to happen now, so I can stop waiting, and making myself nervous to the point of sick.

Though I think finally I’m getting over the cold that was kicking my ass for most of the weekend while I was up at grandma’s. Lemme tell you it’s not fun being sick and having to drive, but I’d rather be sick now, than sick next week when we’re driving. Cause a 5 hour drive to grandma’s isn’t anything opposed to a week’s worth of traveling. Even though Grandma’s didn’t have working pipes [so no water or toilets] for most of the weekend, I still got to sit around and at least get better.

It was weird when I said ‘bye’ to my uncle and some others, because I knew I wouldn’t see them when we stopped back into town next week, but I kept thinking in my head that I’d see them soon. At most a month or two, thanksgiving for sure. then I would remember “hey dummy you’re going to be in co. then, you won’t see ’em for at least 4 months, maybe longer” and then I’d feel bad because I didn’t give them I dunno, an appropriate good-bye.

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