Slow in the fast lane, and fast in the slow lane?

Every morning I spend about an hour driving to work. It’s not a bad drive thankfully, usually I can zip along at 70-80 and arrive at work in a decent mood. However the one thing I’ve noticed day in and day out is that the way you drive on a highway has seemingly reversed. It used to be if you got in the left hand lane you went fast, if you wanted to go slow you got in the right.

I almost never, ever see people do that anymore. In fact I’ll see them do the opposite, take last night for instance. I was driving home and it was around 8pm or so [I started the drive home later after Christmas shopping] and the road was relatively empty. On a two-lane portion of the Florida Turnpike there was a white mid-90’s car in front of me in the right hand lane. I was also in the right hand lane as I wasn’t passing anyone. To my left was a Suburban that I was slowly passing because he wasn’t going too fast. With no one in front of him the white car put on his turn signal and got into the left hand lane. There was no need to because there weren’t any cars around, yet he felt the need to get over there and block the other car, and/or block me from passing him like a normal person should.

I have no idea what people are thinking, but I see it every damned day and it drives me bonkers. Didn’t people learn that if you want to go slow you go in the right hand lane, not the left?

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