It’s 2142

I haven’t really played an online FPS game since Counter-Strike was out, but back then what really kept me playing was the friends I had made who would play on regular servers and basically have fun in non-normal ways.

Now it seems that a lot of my coworkers have gotten into playing Battlefield 2142. I originally wasn’t sure about the game because I remember playing BF 1942 and thinking it was fun, albeit buggy as hell. DICE never bothered to fix the bugs in it and then started to churn out more and more Battlefield games. I bought BF2 thinking it would be a change and that the new graphics would be nice. Well they were nice, nice to watch as a slideshow.

2142 seems like they actually got it in their brains to fix some things, though there are a few bugs still around obiviously. However it is pretty damned fun going into working knowing that the night before you shot your companies president and COO in the face, repeatedly.

I guess it proves once again that any game can be fun if you have friends playing it.

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