Another day, another dollar, well at least another dollar that I’ll get eventually because sadly I’m not working the floor, so no instant cash for this hombre. Man and I thought I was all prepared for the anal-ness that was going to come with a restaurant who gives out specific guides for the sort of acceptable pants, but in no way was I. I forgot to shave this morning and sadly it’s apparent, my pant legs are probably an inch or two too long, and I can’t wear t-shirts under my work shirt, only wife beaters or v-necks. Which sucks because I abhor wife-beaters, not because of their namesake or anything, simply because I don’t really like the way they fit on me. Which is baggy since I’m not what you’d call, ripped.

Either way I think I did pretty decently today, however today was a cake-walk because all I literally did was follow behind the trainer. Tomorrow I actually have to take a test on food knowledge. While I know some of the stuff, I haven’t ever been able to get all the food knowledge for any restaurant down in a week. Mostly because of the simple fact it’s way too much information for my brain to hold in such a short amount of time, so usually I cheated on any menu tests and learned all the food as I worked in the restaurant itself. Sadly this can’t be the case at Arties, because if you fail a test before you follow [basically what it sounds like; follow a trainer around while being shown how to take tables and greeting some of your own] then you’re sent home for that day and you have to redo the test and follow shift the next day. Thus pushing back the actual date you start on the floor making money. Which is what I’m trying to avoid because well, I need money asap.

I studied last night and sure enough I didn’t need a damned thing this morning, but I know that trend won’t keep up sadly.

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