Ted Leo

I just got to see Ted Leo in DC at the Black Cat and I must say, it was throughly worth the 10 bucks it cost to see him. Not only was the show fucking awesome, but everything worked in the end. We got there with plenty of time, had fucking awesome parking, and awesome spots to see the show. Now why is parking awesome? Mostly because finding a spot in downtown DC is a bitch, and we managed to find a little lot that was literally right across the street from the club that somehow had no one in it, nor did we get a ticket.

At first when we [being Ian and I] got into the club it was hotter than hell and we had no decent standing spot. But as one of the opening bands played on we slowly crept forward and found a spot about 10 feet from the font, and thank jesus there was actually some sort of cold air blowing overtop of us. Needless to say the spot felt like heaven because we had literally been standing in our own sweat before.

So if you find Ted Leo coming to your town, I highly recommend you go see him, he’s the bee’s knee’s. Also next week I’m excited because I get to see Everything for the first time in over a year.

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