Finally a moment to rest

Holy mother of jebus. A weekend where I drive to PA, then come home only to go straight to work, followed by longer hours at work isn’t fun. In the past two nights I’ve gotten a combined 6 hours of sleep, I think, there could be less or some more but I’ve no clue. Either way I’ve been working a bunch with little sleep. But as a friend said “that’s the dangerous service industry lifestyle” and really it is. You work hard for your money, then go out and party most of it away. It’s a vicious cycle but one that’s usually good to follow in the beginning of any job. Because while you might talk to someone during a shift, you don’t really talk to them until you’re out of work. And usually talking while drinking only leads to interesting things and then people are more likely to remember you.

Hopefully within a week or two it won’t be necessary to go out drinking every night just so you can know everyone’s names.

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