The Past

I write this and it’s really late, late even for me, especially when you’ve had the weekend like I have. But things have come to the surface lately that have made me think. Mostly about the past year or so I spend in CO with Sara. Now while I will admit it might not have been the best thing ever, I definetly don’t put it down as a mistake. I had a lot of fun, met a lot of awesome people, and go to see a part of the country I’m damn sure I never would have.

But really when I think back on it, I don’t thikn of the bad times or all of the fights. I mostly think back to the good things that happened, like our trips to the Bronco’s games every sunday with Gram. Or the time we went downtown and all got shitty drunk for Kalli’s birthday. Basically times it was good to be with her, and good to be “in love”

Maybe that’s the way I am, always thinking of the good about people or places, and never the bad. But I can’t help it, I think mostly because who wants to remember the shitty times? Not me, because then all it does is continually make you pissed off about a certain thing that happened in the past that’s totally uncontrollable, much like this situation. So really there are lots of shitty things I can remember if pressed about them, but 9 times out of 10 I don’t think of them ever.

Also a quick mention about an article in the Washington Post sunday section about a Capital Hill woman and her blog and how it got her some huge book deal. In it she mentions how she feels sorry for those bloggers who’ve been doing it for a long time and haven’t gotten anything out of it, whereas she had done it for all of a month or so and managed to get some book deal because she was a cheap whore. All of her statements went against the whole point of having a blog of any sort. People like myself and others, don’t write in these to get famous, I’m pretty sure the amount of people who “read” me are in the single digits, but I don’t care. Mostly because I write just for myself so I can get things out. Writing in here is a catharsis for me of sorts, I feel better after I’ve gotten things “off my chest” even if they are to an imaginary person. If people find it interesting to keep coming back, kudos to them, hopefully those few people can deal with my Arsenal obsession and learn to follow them like I do. If not, no skin off my back.

So yea, that’s my thoughts on a buncha stuff.

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