End of the month

Jesus it’s sad how that when it gets near the end of the month cops are out everywhere trying to make their quota. I think I saw about 8 cops total today going to class and coming home, when every other week of the month I see none, not a single cop anywhere.
I mean that’s not even doing their “job” which is to protect, they’re not protecting by lying in wait, they’re just trying to fill up their damned citation book so they can make some extra money by going over their quota. And the other side-effect of that is people who are good drivers get fucked in the ass…without any sort of lubrication.
I of course was one of those drivers, though yes I did earn some of the tickets I got, but the last one I got a few months ago, was total and utter bullshit. But now because of that my license is suspended until I take a driver ed. course, but since I’m over 20 I can do it online thank jebus. But gah, it’s so fucking annoying because I’ve been driving so good for the past well..almost year now, and yet I got screwed over by some jackass cop.
Fuck’m all.

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