
Fuckity, fuck fuck. I swear to jebus it’s annoying as shit to work your ass off in a place that sucks, for 40 some bucks. Especially when everyone else is walking out of the place with a hundred bones in hand. It’s fucking sad.

And another server asked me how much I made per-night lately and I told her. She was suprised and asked if it was because I got in the weeds or anything, which wasn’t the way. I mean I almost never get weeded, and I always think I connect and am a really good server. I rarely fuck up people’s orders but yet for some reason at Logans I just can’t get good luck to get a streak of good tables that tip decently.

Plus tonight I had the joy of dealing with a woman who was shitfaced before she came into the place and then proceeded to get two drink and become even more drunk. Then after she told me to get her another drink I told the manager I thought she should be cut-off and I didn’t want to tell her personally because I well..feared that she’d go ape or something. Fast-forward she finally leaves and on the way out can’t find the goddamned front door she’s so plasted. So a note to everyone, don’t go to a restaurant already shit-faced, you only go to a club that way.

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