Hurrican Ivan Drago

I knew I forgot to update about something. Recently Ivan came and went through our little neighborhood. Specifically it came around last Friday night. I had no idea it was coming because I wasn’t paying attention, the only thing that warned me about it was the fact my parents called from the beach asking if everything was alright. And at that point it was, there were a few clouds in the sky that was about it. Of course as I was being asked this I was on my way to work. So I proceed to work and things look a bit dark around work, but nothing major really, just a normal thunderstorm.

However halfway through the shift I’m told tornado’s have just gone through Centreville, which is where my house is. Because of that work was extremly slow, so slow infact that I was sent home. Upon being told this I joked that I could go home and see if I actually had a home left, I probably shouldn’t have joked about it as soon as I actually got onto my street. Mostly because almost all the larger tree’s in my neighborhood [and there are lots of them] had been demolished in some way. A neighbor across the street and 3 houses down had his entire car-port ripped off the side of his house and placed in his front yard.

Needless to say it was a mess. It was also a mess because we had no power, and yet people came over to my house since no one was home and I still had a lot of beer from earlier in the week. But it’s hard to have a kickin good time when you have to do everything by candle-light.

Now my street looks eerie since almost all of the larger tree’s that were in people’s front yards have been taken down. There are some houses that still have tree’s laying in their front yard because there’s been no one able to come cut them down for ’em. I’m just glad I wasn’t actually here while it happened cause I’m pretty sure I would’ve freaked out.

This entry was posted on Friday, September 24th, 2004 at 9:47 am and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Both comments and pings are currently closed.