
Finally I’m doing something for myself that I’ve wanted to do for years. I’m going to London to see The Arsenal play. It’s going to cost me a lot of money, but fuck it if this year hasn’t been full of all sorts of bad shit and this is my way to escape and get a little vacation.

Though on most vacations you do as little as possible, on this one I’ll be screaming my head off for the thing that excites me the most. Forget women, forget cars, all those things aren’t always there. But you always have The Arsenal, sure we might not always win, but week in and week out you know something’s going to happen.

What makes me most excited is that all the games are at home, aka Highbury aka The House of Football, and in a year’s time the place is being torn down because we’re moving 500 yards away to a much larger stadium. So not only do I get to see my team I get to see THOF before it’s gone. Which is what I said to myself when I heard they were building a new stadium, I promised myself I’d make it oversea’s sometime before then to at least see one match in Highbury. Now I get to see 3, one of them is even a Champions League match.

Sure I wouldn’t mind going with someone else, but really it’s probably better I don’t. Because I’m pretty sure I’d be in full Arseanl fanboy mode and I’d be useless to do anything else except talk football talk and I don’t know anyone who knows anything even remotely about football. Maybe if I’m lucky I’ll find some hot British girl and I can marry her so I can get a nice automatic visa and stay in the country forever. Maybe. Hell, do you get to keep your visa even after you divorce?

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