Old Friends

It’s not everyday you head to the bar afterwork, intent on only having a few beers to help forget the stupidity of a night working in a restaurant; only to have the night’s path change suddenly when you run into an old ex-girlfriend. And not one of those ex-girlfriends you’ve always wanted to see again, if only to beat upside the head. No this was one of thsoe actual not-so-shitty breakup-girlfriends.

Now the night goes from having a few beers to sitting around a table drinking the night away catching up on old times, and old memories. Some of which don’t even involve the ex-girlfriend now in contact with you. It’s just spooky the way things work sometimes. Mostly because I never thought I’d see her again, it’s not like our circle of friends are the same or anything, but I guess I was wrong since she was hanging out with a girl I work with.

All that has to happen now is have Jessie come out of the shadows somewhere and decide to hang out with me and then I’ll have been in touch with and hanging out with all of my girlfriends from high-school.

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