Going Home..

It’s odd going home. Because even though you’ve only been gone for a few months it feels like a lot longer than that. So when I went back home I kept thinking and wondering how many things had changed back home. When I actually got home I realized not a whole lot’s changed. The intersection of Rt. 28 and Westfields Blvd is still a giant cluster-fuck, the neighbors are still there, and nothing major has happened around the neighborhood.

That still doesn’t mean things were totally the same. My neighbor two houses down got a new car, the Smiths’ put to sleep their dog that should’ve been put to sleep years ago, the neighbor directly across from us has attempted to start a pool. I say attempted because right now it’s a giant hole in the ground with no idea as to when it’ll get finished. A lot of the friends I made at Sweetwater and Artie’s had left for other jobs, and so on. Needless to say it was definetly interesting going back home.

But don’t get me wrong, I loved it still. It was nice knowing exactly my way around the area, knowing to avoid the shitty traffic on 28 to go the back route by Westfields HS and then in front of the Country Club. None of these things make sense to most of you, because you didn’t live where I lived. But nonetheless it was nice going home.

I also realized that I hope I never become that asshole traveler. On my flight home from Dulles our flight got all sorts of delayed because of an engine problem, and obviously they’re not going to let us fly with something not reporting itself as 100% ok. However douchebag decided that it was totally the flight-attendants fault and as he was leaving after hearing that the plane we started on was broken goes “Well thanks a lot.”

Yea buddy, as if the fucking flight-attendants had anything to do with the plane breaking. Pull the stick out of your ass you douchebag and get over it. The plus about the whole thing was that when we got on our new plane guess who was absent? You got it! Capt. Douchebag must’ve got on some other flight or something.

There was something else I wanted to mention, damned if I remember what it was though, hopefully I can remember it soon.

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